The Farrell Dillon Comedy Magic show is a hysterical, irreverent, colorful, awe inspiring magic show, featuring some of the best magic Las V...
Jimmy Kimmel's Comedy ClubDate
April 2, 2024Time
4:00 pmPrice
From $27.99The Farrell Dillon Comedy Magic show is a hysterical, irreverent, colorful, awe inspiring magic show, featuring some of the best magic Las Vegas has to offer. From the spectacular and dangerous, to expert sleight of hand miracles, this family friendly show has everything you could want in a magic show. Farrell is a Rare Honors graduate of the Chavez School of Magic and has been nominated for Stage Magician of the Year by the Magic Castle in Hollywood. He has been seen on 8 Seasons of the hit TV series "Masters of Illusion" on the CW network as well as on the Today Show, The Food Network, ABC, NBC, FOX and ESPN. He has toured the country performing at the largest performing arts centers and is now calling "Jimmy Kimmel's Comedy Club" home. This is a show not to be missed.
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