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263 Points
Zeus left a 1 star review for Penn & Teller

2023-03-10 16:39:01

Mar 10, 2023 at 4:39pm

We were stung with disappointment. We had anticipated the show to be on par with other performances in Vegas, expecting each minute to be engaging. However, the tricks were tediously long - with Penn providing lengthy narrations. There was an abundance of pauses in all of Teller's acts, not even background music to fill the gaps. It seemed like amateurish magic that wouldn't be out of place in a children's birthday gathering. To make matters worse, Teller performed a trick involving a red clown nose - an element that is grossly outdated and has surfaced over and over again. One would have expected them to utilize the money at their disposal to enhance and rejuvenate their act. My husband managed to take a snooze during the show. We strongly suggest gleaning a different magic show in Vegas - you'll be thankful you saved your money!

Penn & Teller
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Mar 10, 2023 at 4:39pm
1 Star Review on Penn & Teller

We were stung with disappointment. We had anticipated the show to be on par with other performances in Vegas, expecting each minute to be engaging. However, the tricks were tediously long - with Penn providing lengthy narrations. There was an abundance of pauses in all of Teller's acts, not even background music to fill the gaps. It seemed like amateurish magic that wouldn't be out of place in a children's birthday gathering. To make matters worse, Teller performed a trick involving a red clown nose - an element that is grossly outdated and has surfaced over and over again. One would have expected them to utilize the money at their disposal to enhance and rejuvenate their act. My husband managed to take a snooze during the show. We strongly suggest gleaning a different magic show in Vegas - you'll be thankful you saved your money!

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