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317 Points

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317 Points
MC2904 left a 4 star review for Slotzilla

2023-01-19 18:59:01

Jan 19, 2023 at 6:59pm

Ultra fun! I do this every time I go to Vegas. Only 4 stars because it seemed like the people working there could have more of a professional appearance than what I saw. If you are in charge of life safety equipment, I would like you to look more professional other than like you can't wait to get off work and go to the HIP HOP/Rock concert later.....just being honest. Also felt rushed during the pics that I prepaid for and the pics did not come out well at all. They were too bright....and the only clear pics were of us hanging on at the very end waiting to be taken off the ride. With that being said I hope improvements are made but it's still fun and I will do it again!!!

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317 Points
MC2904 left a 5 star review for Drai's Nightclub

2023-01-19 06:03:01

Jan 19, 2023 at 6:03am

If I go to this club every night I would. Everything was great, the music, the people working there, and they even have hookah.

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Jan 19, 2023 at 6:59pm
4 Star Review on Slotzilla

Ultra fun! I do this every time I go to Vegas. Only 4 stars because it seemed like the people working there could have more of a professional appearance than what I saw. If you are in charge of life safety equipment, I would like you to look more professional other than like you can't wait to get off work and go to the HIP HOP/Rock concert later.....just being honest. Also felt rushed during the pics that I prepaid for and the pics did not come out well at all. They were too bright....and the only clear pics were of us hanging on at the very end waiting to be taken off the ride. With that being said I hope improvements are made but it's still fun and I will do it again!!!

Jan 19, 2023 at 6:03am
5 Star Review on Drai's Nightclub

If I go to this club every night I would. Everything was great, the music, the people working there, and they even have hookah.

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